A couple years ago I had the chance to meet Mark Simmons, a well-respected advocate for the Zoo and Aquarium Community. Talking with him made me realize how important it is for us to make sure that our Zoo’s and Aquariums do not get extinct. In 2016 he did a presentation about Keiko’s Story and our position in today’s Zoological world. Inspiring trainers and keepers around the world M. Simmons is making a change for the community. M. Simmons was one of the trainer’s to be working in the Keiko project. He wrote a book on the true story of Keiko and the challenges that came with the project to condition Keiko to get back into the “Wild”. A huge project that came with huge challenges. In this Presentation he talks about the conclusions the AR makes and how this is seen from out a person that was part of Keiko’s story.

In todays society people become more aware of the psychology of animals. How they feel and what they need. There is a particular hypocrisy going around that we can’t explain but what seems completely accepted by the general audience. M. Simmons makes some clear statements why we are the real Animal Activists.

If you want too order his book do it right HERE!

Retelling a story read some history at AwesomeOcean.com.


This is the story told at the IMATA conference in San Diego:




Peter is a passionate Animal Consultant that beside teaching you about Operant Conditioning makes sure you will go home motivated and inspired. Make sure you read his Bio!

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