CCC2022 Pre-Conference Webinar Series


Webinar #1: Basic Behaviours Which Are Useful And Important.
Before we succeed in our cooperative care behaviour we need to teach the animals some other skills to be more comfortable and confident in the animals own care. This webinar is about Foundation behaviours you need and of course the body positions to reach these important body parts.

TIME: 20th of October 2022, 8pm-10pm CET

Webinar #2:Let’s Talk CUES!
The Cues we use within Cooperative Care are extremely valuable. We communicate what we are going to do. When we do this predictably we give our animals more confidence in their choices. 

TIME: 27th of October 2022, 8pm-10pm CET

Webinar #3: How To Prepare For the Perfect Cooperative Care Behaviour At the Vet?
Often we forget some valuable information to be 100% 
successful with the animals we train for cooperative care. There are some important details to think about. We will talk about antecedent arrangement and how the smallest changes can change the outcome of your trained behaviour drastically. 

TIME: 3th of November 2022, 8pm-10pm CET

Webinar #4: The Holistic Approach To Cooperative Care?
Do we need to train every single behaviour for the animal to take care of it’s own body? Or are there other ways? In this webinar we are looking at the other side of cooperative care where we are going to focus on the animals needs to solve future challenges and be pro active to training animals for cooperative care.

TIME: 10th of November 2022, 8pm-10pm CET



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